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Hatha is a series of postures intended invigorate and heal the body, mind and spirit. The class focuses on joint health, mobility, body and breath awareness, stability and balance. This class is open to all ages, abilities and levels of experience AND BUILDS ON THE PRACTICES FROM SERIES 5. You are encouraged to have a water bottle or tea and a journal nearby. 


While this class is suitable for all ages, abilities and levels of experience and adjustments can be made to accommodate any body shape, size or condition, it is recommended that you complete Series 1 - 5 first (3 Series Package available at a reduced rate)


If you are physically disabled, have limited range of motion, are recovering from surgery or chronic disease or are managing any number of mental health conditions, Sadhana will arrange to meet with you in advance of the first class.


Series 6 will continue to expand Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutions) with more dynamic postures and sequences. Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutions) will be offered on days where classes are in alignment with the New or Full moon.


The final 10 - 15 minutes of each class will include savasana and may include a breath or concentration practice or mantra.


You will have unlimited access to the class recording following each class.

Hatha Yoga Series 6

  • Once your payment is received, new students will receive an intake questionnaire from Sadhana, along with a waiver.

    These four classes were recorded during live sessions in March and April 2021. They will be made available to you as a YouTube playlist.

    If you have any questions or concerns about any of the instructions in these videos, please email Sadhana.

  • There is a strict NO REFUND policy. If, for any reason, you are unhappy with your service, Sadhana will follow-up on your issue with due diligence.

    If you wish to CANCEL your order within 24 hours of purchase, a refund will be applied to your original method of payment. Please email

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