Need a boost to get you going? Meet with Sadhana once a day (up to 90 min sessions) for seven days to kickstart or refine a new or existing practice. Learn the nuances of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), build a routine for your home restorative practice, grow a mediation practice with breath and chakra awareness. The possibilities are endless.
This package includes weekly (up to) 90 minute in-person or video-chat sessions where you will learn how to breathe, move, let go and restore. Services will include: breath awareness, the physical practice of yoga, restorative yoga, chakra awareness and practices, meditation practices, reiki and monthly intuitive readings.
These are custom packages created just for you. Whether you are recovering from surgery, emotional trauma such as death or divorce, childbirth or postpartum stress, Sadhana will work with you to create practices to help you move through your current situation.
This is also the perfect package for those who dread the thought of entering a yoga studio or fitness class. Whether you can't touch your toes, look at yourself in the mirror or step out your door for any reason, please reach out. I am here to help.